About me

Sarvendra Thapa (Sav) is one of the founding members of the Bonding Real Estate Agency. He has had Sales and Marketing Experience of more than 14 years. The Real Estate Market was something that was on the back of his mind for a long time. When he first started buying properties, one of the things that he realized through the process was how difficult and complex it can be for normal people to buy or sell the property without a proper understanding of the Market. His interest further drawn towards real estate when he met Bimal Swar (Bill) who had been doing it for years. Sarvendra co-founded Bonding Real Estates with Bill with the hope and determination to make buying and selling of real estate hassle-free and very profitable to their clients.

Sarvendra sincerely enjoys dealing with people from all sorts of backgrounds, ages, investment plans and has an ability to efficiently deal with tenants and landlords to ensure the best results are achieved for everyone in the equation.