Property Management

As a proeprty investor you want to ensure your most valuable assets is managed by a right person. Hiring a right property manager will appreciate the value of your proeprty in a long run. Our team has years of experiene on managing the property for the landlords and providing good rental returns.
Why Bonding Real Estate for Proeprty Management:
In most cases many landlords and investors cannot afford the time to deal with day to day to proeprty issues such as screening the tenant, advertising, repair and maintenace, attending tribunal for disputes, property condition inspection etc. That's where team at Bonding Reale Estate will take all the hassle out of managing and mainting your property with a very low management fee.
We ensure you to get the right tenants, with our detauled process for checking applications including rental income is secure. We will also keep on top of the maintenance at your property and all emergency matters are dealt with uregncy. Our list of registered tradesman are there for the urgent repairs with most cost effective approach. We ensure all small repair's can be completed without the landlords expense. 
You will get the following benefits with Bonding Real Estate Property Management:
- Low management fee
- Free bills management 
- No AD fee, no charge for renew contract
- Waived 3 months Management fee ( if you have existing Tenants)
- Free consultations with our property industry experts ( strata and residential)
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